• a. Historical Context

    Hi everyone! Now in this part we will explain what we found in relation with the historical context; first in the USA and then in France starting from the Cold War to 2001 in our fantastic American trip.


    So during the 70/90’s the world was right in the middle of the Cold war. This conflict opposed the US to the USSR. Indeed, the Americans were fighting against the spread of communism, meanwhile their opponent was a big supporter of this doctrine. France always had supported the Western bloc, but in 1958, when Charles de Gaulle got elected president, France’s role in the conflict drastically changed. Indeed, the new President was against an American hegemony and started to keep his distances with the US. In the bipolarization of the world, France was on the U.S’ side but it was opposed on this project of war. So there were some tensions between these two countries even after they concluded a compromise on September 3rd, 1971. This quadripartite consent announced a new step in the policy of opening of the divided Germany so it is evident that it failed to really reduce tensions between them.Even if it would have kept the 4 power’s rights and if it needed 17 months to negotiate it that not help to really the consent… Only on the circulation of people of East Germany (GDR) and West Germany (FRG).


    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "l'amerique signe l'accord quadripartite"

                                                                         Signature of Paris Peace Accords


     Under the president Richard Nixon government the vietnam war took place or rather continued but the Paris Peace Accords ended American involvement in Vietnam in 1973. So during the 70’s, Vietnam war still teared apart by the American and the North Vietnamese, but the American troops slowly began to withdraw after the Paris Peace Accords signed in 1973. French people agreed with the American ideals, especially their idea of freedom in every field (freedom of speech, personal freedom) and on the sovereignty of the population.

    And during the 70’s U.S began to develop it in the world but French thought that they were superior on nations and that their primacy among nations was a role model for all nations in the art of living so they were not pleased with this American intrusion and they found americans vulgar and uncouth. This french feeling caused an anti-americanism. U.S was sensed, detected as a dynamic model but menacing, worrying. Finally, at the end of the 70’s France had to accept a smaller role of player in a multi-polar and share a world where they couldn’t pretend anymore that to be a model for other countries.


    The Cold War ended in 1991, with the dissolution of the USSR. It made the US much more powerful than before (even if it already had an important power in lots of levels particularly influenced by their industry). The US needed to earn money and for that they searched for a solution, and thanks to the golf war from 1990 to 1991, the US get back in power and saved its reputation a little after its lost in the vietnam war in southeast Asia. This war was in a way a closure of the cold war. But the Koweït invasion stay shocking. Since 70’s for U.S the Iraq obtaining or procurement was a major challenge for the cold war but at contrast for France it was majoritary a economic and strategic goal.

    After the destruction of the Berlin wall in 1989. It had an impact on all the world and in France too. Every people was happy and it gave the desire to do the same, that is, to be free and fight against what they weren’t agree in the political sector. 10 years After the feat, success of the cold war and the URSS and communism dissolution it was the  departure of clinton in 2001. This year was a tragical year to because of the terrorism reinforced by the 11 september attack.

    Because the France is agree with the sovereignty of the population, here we are in a democratic politic during this period (1970/2001). There were 5 Republics and this is the last one which is always in actuality and France supported enough the USA in the cold war but it was totally against the Iraq war. But because of the USA influence, France decided to help americans and became closer to them after terrorist attacks and because they were and they still in trouble with Palestine.


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