• So far, we can say that after World War II, France has been in admiration of the American model, because they helped Europe to rebuild itself economically speaking. French people were fascinated by the American Dream that was really present in the 1950’s. Also France started to enter in a society of consumption, which divided the minds. On one side, there were people who supported the Americanization process in France, but on the other side some people started to criticize it. DeGaulle was the representative of those who were against an American hegemony, and during his mandates he had a politic of glorification of France, to make it a powerful nation.
        Then, because of some historical events, the anti-american sentiment started to get bigger. This sentiment deepen during the cold war. The american way of doing didn't please to french. They did not have the same vision on some points so they did not concur with their type of politic and in economy. The US oil shock touched France too, so that did not help to reduce the anti-americanism feeling.

    But then, in 2001 the unfortunate terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers developed a wave of sympathy towards the American people. From then, the Americanization was more perceptible and was more influencing the youth through the movie and music industry, and which impacted the language and even the way people eat. Thus, we cannot really give an answer to the question “Is France turning American?”, it just really depend where we look, and the chosen period of history.


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