Two croissants among the burgers
Since the beginning of the XXth century, France has been strongly influenced by the United States. This phenomenon has been accentuated a lot since 1945. Indeed, from the post-war period to our days, we can observe what seems to be a process of Americanization in France, which can be defined by bringing a country under the political, cultural, or commercial influence of the U.S. To answer the question “Is France turning American ?” we are going to study the chronological evolution of americanization, and by which process America spread its way of life. Firstly, we will be studying the American model in France during the thirty-year post-war boom, then we will be working on the American model in an economic crisis context and a geopolitical recomposition. Finally we will be seeing that France is still “fascinated” by the American model in a multipolar world.
Julie :